
Windows 11?

No, of course you don’t have to update to Windows 11.

Microsoft thinks it is a threat to take away your support for Windows 10. Did anyone ever feel supported? Your life will only be better when Microsoft stops forcing buggy Windows updates on you. That is the totality of Microsoft support, btw, their Windows updates - the worst thing about Windows. Yes, take away our “support” Microsoft, and let us be.

So, as usual, ignore or do the opposite of what Microsoft tells you. You don’t need to do anything other than keep using your computer. Your goal is to be at the very tail end of any Microsoft changes, better if you can skip them altogether.

The last thing Microsoft would ever do is kick you out of their Windows platform. You will never find yourself unable to use a Microsoft operating system unless you wait a good 5-7 years past this point when they threaten you with the horrors of losing their support. Their whole existence hinges on keeping us tricked and locked into their ecosystem. People are still happily using Windows 7 with no problems once the updates stopped. Make sure you have an antivirus installed, as usual, and you will be fine.

I fix a LOT of computers that were not happy with Windows 11 and later Windows 11 updates, much more so than with Windows 10. I see wifi, audio, video cards that stop working, computers that won’t boot for a day, some programs will stop working, computer going to sleep indefinitely, etc.
You are just fine where everything works.

If you just feel like something new, no problem. You have heard me. Make sure your important data is backed up and that you have nothing important to do on the computer that day, and run the update. It is usually fine. I just see the times it goes wrong.

Old content for context:
If you frivolously upgrade software you are tempting fate. Upgrade only if you are compelled to do so, or if the company is less stupid like Google or Apple. Your antivirus upgrade is also fine, as long as it is free. You never need to pay for an antivirus that you can use for free. You do NOT need to be protected even more. Essentially, if it ain't broken don't fix it. Software updates are sometimes worse than the older one. It happens all the time. This is especially true of Microsoft operating systems. When a new one comes out, wait at least 2 years and then search online reviews of the operating system to make sure they haven't released another multi-million dollar loser, or call and ask me. Wow, I just realized that Windows 10 became popular in Early 2016. In the last year it seems mostly stable now, and Windows 11, not as good. Microsoft updates are still more of a liability than a necessity in my experience.

If you did upgrade to Windows 10 and everything seems ok, I suggest you still backup any important data. Approach Windows 10 like you don’t really trust it with your important files.

In 2023, I am finally recommending you upgrade from trusty Windows 7.


Windows 8 Alert!  Achtung! (Old content left for reference)
I have a one word review of the new Windows 8 operating system: Stupid.

Restrain yourself.  Don't, d, da, don't believe the hype!
Avoid Windows 8 as long as you can. It is a big pain in the butt to no advantage. They took Windows 7 and made it look hip and confusing. Why?  Why did they release Windows Vista and Windows ME? Is there anything better about it? NO. (Maybe it makes more sense if it runs your tablet PC.) The operating system seems to be stable, however the interface is a silly, unintuitive mess.

Wondering about the new Windows 8.1?  Stupid 8.1.

Windows 7 - GOOD JOB! for those of you who kept Windows 7 now through the end of 2022. Windows 7 had a good run. The sky did not fall on persistent Windows 7 users. There were no Windows 7 only virus attacks that swept the world. In fact, I can report that their computers ran pretty much like Macs. They just worked, unremarkably.
Microsoft lied to us again.

If you use Chrome you have a message at the top of the screen telling you the gig will soon be up. I don’t see those messages on Firefox yet, but my research says they will be dropping support in 2023. What does dropping support mean to you? It means that those browsers will no longer receive security updates. That may or may not mean much in the short term, but what will probably push your hand is that websites you use will start acting funny or even outright rejecting you because they will see your computer as insecure.

You were smart to put it off as long as possible, but 2023 is the year you should start considering your options. Your Windows 7 computer is probably pretty old by now and a Windows 11 upgrade may be too much of a load on it. And it may not be worth spending any more money on a computer that is near the end of life. You have maximized the life of that computer! Some computers bought with top of the line processors may still be worth upgrading to Windows 11, or if your hardware isn’t supported by Windows 11, then maybe Windows 10. I can report that bad Windows 10 updates still crash some computers and Windows 11 seems no better. Remember, I only see the broken computers, so it is hard to gauge failure rates at scale. If you have a ongoing Backup Plan for the important data on your computer like documents, pictures, music, then Microsoft can’t hurt you.

Give me a ring when you are ready and we can see if it still makes sense to upgrade to Windows 10 on your old computer. If not, I can help you buy exactly the right new computer without overspending, and transfer all your stuff over. A new average-needs computer for your next 5-7 years, that isn’t a mistake, is in the $600-$800 range. There are also plenty of good used computers out there for lesss.

Read here on the details of Chrome ending support.

Read here for interesting stats on operating system history.

(Old content for reference)
People ask me, “Hey Computer Guy, what I am gonna do now that Microsoft is ending support of Windows 7? Is the sky truly falling?”

If that information was framed as being something you should worry about then consider that source illegitimate. They serve Moloch’s dark army who exist only to sell the next Microsoft product. If you are one of my customers, I “ended your support” by turning off your Windows 7 updates completely a few years ago after realizing that Windows Updates were the only thing causing problems. So you can just keep on enjoying your problem-free computer. Your goal is to use Windows 7 until Chrome or Firefox or any of the other non-Microsoft browsers tell you they are no longer sending security updates to their programs. Windows XP users got those final messages in 2019 to give you a possible timeline.

At the end of 2022, Windows 7 is still chugging along and working fine. I spend most of my time fixing computers that have been crippled by Windows 10 updates. Here’s a computer truism, if it works don’t change it. Another might be, if Microsoft gives you advice consider doing the opposite. That company is out to lunch. Read for yourself about the manufacturer defect called Windows 10 updates.

Windows 10

If you made it to July 29th, 2016 without upgrading to Windows 10, you were one of the lucky ones. For some, Windows 10 just started installing on your computer one day without your consent. Maybe it finished successfully, maybe you had to call me to erase everything and reinstall Windows 7 so you could use your computer again.

If you did upgrade to Windows 10 and everything seems ok, I strongly suggest you backup any important data. Your next Windows 10 update may erase it all. (Yes, it can be that bad.) Approach Windows 10 like you are running on borrowed time.

If you have Windows 8, I advise grinning and bearing it until you buy a new computer with a clean install of Windows 10. Is it ok to buy a new computer with Windows 10?  You don’t really have a choice. It is the upgrade of Windows 10 on top of your existing operating system that Microsoft continues to mangle, solely at your expense.

If you still have Windows 7, hooray! You won!

Windows 7 will be “supported” by Microsoft through 2020.  What does supported mean?  It means that finally your computer will no longer be at risk of Microsoft updates. This is why I now permanently turn off Windows Update on most machines I work on.  When Windows XP (the last viable OS) support ended it turned out that you were able to use Windows XP with no tangible issues until about 2016. Firefox and Chrome only recently in 2016 told us they would no longer be updating their browsers on Windows XP computers. That is the point when you should switch operating systems. For Windows 7 I suspect that date is at least 3-5 years away.

Here’s what to do next. Stop using Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge as your browser and switch to Firefox or Chrome or any browser that updates itself independent of Windows Update. Then turn off Windows Update on your Windows 7 or 8 computer for good. Google it. It is very easy. 
However, you can no longer turn off the updates in Windows 10. One of their updates brought you that "enhancement."

Then, just kick back, put the top down, and cruise the internet minutia byways for the next few years with your operating system that seems to work just fine.

You are practicing Microsoft harm reduction.