


Why wouldn’t you switch to Connexion?!
Well, what do you know! Now that Xfinity and Century-Link have competition they have decided to try and not be so despicable. Remember how we were treated when they had us right where they wanted us, with no alternatives? And don’t forget all those good times when Century-Link was Qwest and Xfinity was Comcast. I have assembled some of their Greatest Hits!

  • Ever been told by a recording to find help and options online when your internet doesn’t work?

  • Have you ever been left on hold forever, and then disconnected?

  • Does your price of internet seem arbitrary and you’ve hoped you got someone on the phone who gave you a good promotion that year?

  • Ever discover that your neighbor was paying $40/mo less for the same plan that you have?

  • Have you opened your bill and discovered expensive surprises?

  • Have you ever marveled at how many times you could be transferred to the wrong dept.?



Anti-virus - You cannot just use any anti-virus program.  You must use the best at the time, and what is "the best" changes from time to time. You don't have to surf like a teenage boy to get viruses. No anti-virus prevents all viruses, but from year to year your goal is to install the one that is most effective that year.  The efficacy of these programs varies wildly, and some are even viruses themselves. Knowing someone who removes viruses all day long like myself or other reputable local computer repair people is the best way to keep current and stay protected. Do not trust Best Buy, Comcast, Century Link etc.  They strike huge partnership deals with large companies like Norton and Mcafee. Everyone makes money and you get a bogus program -- for free. Then you have to pay me to clean your computer later.

If anyone recommends Mcafee or Norton/Symantec write those people off as suspicious or confused. I could spend pages telling you all the ways these programs can screw up your computer. Suffice it to say this, these programs are bloated, slow, expensive, and get this, DON'T REMOVE THE VIRUSES!